Black Panther Animal

A Black Leopard

Black Panther - Habitat and Range

An animal�s habitat is the place where its basic needs for food, water, shelter and reproduction are met.  Black panthers have their habitat areas within natural communities.

Black panther are mostly seen in hot, dense tropical rain forest areas of south and south-east Asia which include south-western China, Burma, Nepal, southern India, Java and southern part of Malaysia.  It is said that in Java and southern Malaysia, the black panthers/leopards are more common than light-color spotted leopards.  They are also found in plains, mountains, and savannah and are known to adapt well and venture into human-populated areas.  Black panthers are reported in dry and rocky areas of Ethiopia, the forests of Mount Kenya and the Aberdares in Africa.  But they are much less common in those areas.

From one hand, the dark coat of black panthers provides good camouflage at night or in deeply forest areas in particular which help them to avoid dangerous enemies and catch their prey.  From other hand, these areas are very hard for human to live and it is even hard for hunters to hunt there. 

Black panther�s natural communities are made out of pinelands, cypress swamp, hardwood swamp, prairies, marshes, etc.  The soil, water, and plants in these communities provide good environment for not only black panthers but also for many other types of animals which provide good source of food for black panther animals.
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