Black Panther Classification
Confusion exists about the term black panther on various media including internet. It is generally agreed that the name black panther is not a scientific term for a distinct species but is a common name for some big cats with black coat. The differences are linked to the scope of cats included. The name black panther is not a term in taxonomy - a scientific classification system of animal kingdom. Due to historical, geographical and cultural differences in the forming the name black panther, the classification of the black panther falls into three variations:
1. Most Commonly Used Definition (Common View)
Only two types of big cats are scientifically recognized as legitimate black panthers: black leopard and black jaguar.
2. Strict Definition (Purist View)
The name black panther only refers to the species of black leopards � a melanistic variant of the spotted leopard.
3. Crypto-Zoological Definition (Broad View)
The term black panther is used for any type of big cat with a black coat. Other than the black leopard and black jaguar, the most commonly accepted view of black panthers, people also use the term black panther for all look-like all-black versions of a cat species such as the cougar, puma, tiger, bobcat, lynx, jaguarundi, or even a suspected prehistoric survivor � the cave lion.

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